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Jordan's Recomendations

On Video:
Entropy - The story of a rookie film-maker on his first movie and trying to maintain a relationship with his super model girlfriend. This movie particularly caught my interest from Phil Joanou's creative and modern filming techniques. He uses numerous time-lapse scenes, vintage coloring effects and (in the opening credits) a still shot on a moving car, all of these shots add to the emotion and give life to the situation. Well written, but dull at times. Stephen Dorff stars.

In Theatre (that's how they spell it in England):
Austin Powers 3: Goldmember - With not much selection in the local theatre, AP3 comes out at top. If you are looking for a sure laugh, you can't go wrong here. Mike Myers stars in his 3rd film as the quirky Brittish Spy, who's mission this time around is to, you guessed it, save the world. What I liked about this movie was that it renewed past gags from AP and AP2, and instead of beating the dead horse, actually made them funny again. Mike Myers, Seth Green, Beyonce Knowles star.

On CD:
By The Way (Red Hot Chili Peppers) - Did u dig Blood Sugar Sex Magik? So did I, is Californication in your CD collection? Mine too. And if you are as crazy about those two albums, you can't go wrong with this once. Imagine blending the two together. By the Way is what you'd get. Its for the funk of their early 90's, bass-soloing in your face rock (courtesy of Flea), with the mature, mellow sounding chorus's (courtesy of John) sewed together by Anthony's lyrics. This album is like a greatest hits album except with original music. Range, depth, and passion make this album a need for any Red Hot Chili Pepper (or alternative rock) fan. (EMI America Records - Capitol)


  • Late Night With Conan O'Brien - 12:35 AM EST, NBC
  • Dr. Pepper (Check local grocery/convenience store)
  • The Hudsucker Proxy (on video) starring Tim Robbins
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George W. Bush declared president elect, which if true means death for us all.

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"If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."
-Brooke Shields

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